要从建筑物的市电电源为数据中心的关键负载配电,有五种主要的 UPS 系统设计配置方案可供选择。要为特定应用环境选择合适的配置方案,必须充分考虑该应用环境的可用性需求、风险...
2020-04-01 未知 62
Some lead-acid batteries located in data centers are subject to government environmental compliance regulations. While most commercial battery back-up systems fall below required reporting levels, very large UPS and DC plant batteries may h...
2020-04-01 未知 62
2020-04-01 未知 62
2020-04-01 未知 62
This white paper explains the technical terms of power factor, crest factor, and surge factor. The use of these terms in specifying UPS is explained....
2020-04-01 未知 62